The ghost castle! 薩斯嗯城!


First off, I need to go back to some stuff I missed.   Like, treasure in the Crystal Cave!  And treasure in Kazus!  Me! I missed treasure! And did I mention we got Cure somewhere along the way? (I wish I had thought to translate that before I went to fight the boss battle…)

;mìyín tóukuī; mythril helmet
;zhìliáo; to cure (i.e. Cure)
; cuīmián; hypnosis (i.e. Sleep)
銅拳;qīngtóngquántào; bronze fist sheath (Original Eng: Bronze Knuckes)
死鳥 ;bùsǐniǎozhīwěi; undying bird’s tail (Original Eng: Phoenix Down)

Anyway, it’s time to meet the pretty boy of the game.  I mean, look at the Bieber hair.


:城里的人因為魔人的詛咒都變成了幽靈的樣子。雖然用秘銀指環就可以解開詛咒但是卡茲斯期的鎮上似乎也是同樣的情況。。。 我雖然為因外出而躲過一劫, 可是到底應該怎麼樣才好呢
蕾菲亞: 我是卡茲斯的鐵匠的女兒。 我父親所做的指環應該在國王陛下手裡。
阿爾克: 我們是來向國王陛下借指環的。 拜託, 請讓我們和國王大人見上一面!
因克斯: 原來是這麼回事。。。 我帶你們去見國王。  你們跟著我就好了。

; xiàozhōng; to swear fealty to
; shìbīng; solder
幸運; xìngyùn; fortunate
; duǒ; to hide, to dodge
; duìyú; regarding
下落不; xiàluòbùmíng; unaccounted for, missing
; qíngkuàng; circumstances
;  jié; calamity
; dàodǐ; finally, in the end
陛下; bìxià; your majesty

The NPC’s always give some good reading review. 

“寶想發現了屠尸劍! 怪物突然出現了!”
“我很擔心大王莎拉公主, 但這副樣子也甚麼都不做了”
“啊。。。 這個國家的人是怎麼回事。。。”
“如果不是這樣子, 我就可以打敗魔人了的說。。”
“城佐的塔里有屠屍劍, 是對不死系的怪物很有效的聖劍。”
“封印的洞窟內的怪物是被暗之力操縱的不死系。 用治療魔法能對其造成傷害。”
“右邊的塔的最上層是公主殿下的房間。  為了能隨時迎接 公主的歸來, 我每天都在打掃。如果是因克斯大人的話, 可以隨便進來呢。”

:由於魔人的詛咒, 大家都變成了這副樣子
因克斯: 莎拉公主殿下她! 不會是被魔人給搶走了吧?!
薩斯嗯王: 啊, 我的莎拉啊。。。 魔人應該在從這里向北的封印的洞窟里。。。
因克斯:陛下, 我也和它們一起去, 我要去救莎拉公主殿下!
薩斯嗯王: 所得好, 因克斯! 你們也沒問題吧?
蕾菲亞: 當然了! 倒不如說和他們兩個一起感覺更不可靠。。。*
魯內斯: 說甚麼呢! 不過確實又城裡得士兵和我們一起救更又把握 了。。
薩斯嗯王: 封印得洞窟里還有密道, 我記得, 骨頭時打開密道的關鍵。。。拜託了, 因克斯。 也拜託你們這些年輕人, 封印魔人, 拯救大家吧!

*Refia’s original line: “Of course not! His sword is worth twice that of these two.”  And oh, it’s so true.

; dǎbài; to defeat
; túshījiàn; slaughter corpse sword (Original Eng: Wightslayer. I like ‘slaughter corpse sword’ better.)
; yǒuxiào; effective
聖; shèng; holy
; cāozòng; to operate, to control
殿下;  diànxià; your majesty
;  guī; to return, to go back to
打掃;  dǎsǎo; to clean
搶走; qiǎngzǒu; to snatch
; bùkěkào; unreliable
頭; gǔtou; bone
; zhěngjiù; to rescue

So wow. I got the whole place down with just one post. That never happens.

It’s gonna all go down next dungeon, isn’t it.

Anyway, I’ve added a Script page, which is basically a collection of all the dialogue I’ve bothered to type up.   If you feel up to the challenge of full-on immersion without my random commentary, or just need a quick refresher, check it out.  And if you’ve been studying along with me up until now (Anyone? Anyone at all?), then you’ll actually to be able to read and comprehend it all!  Whoohoo!

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